The best jobs to automate on the job site are the dangerous ones that put workers at risk. It is also good to automate the tedious and repetitive tasks that can tire workers out quickly. There are some jobs that you would never imagine could be automated and these include bricklaying, rebar tying, and more.
Automating Tough Tasks
If there is a difficult job on the construction site that you are interested in getting automated, there may be a solution for you. The best way to find out if there is a good solution for you is by talking to a specialist. Your local equipment company or OEM might have a representative well-versed in the topic you are interested in.
In 2022, an Australian company called FBR created one of the first bricklaying robots. The machine, named Hadrian X, is similar to any crane that gets fixed to a work truck.
This kind of technology generally works like this:
● The truck will be filled with bricks
● The machine will get the blocks fed through the crane-like projection
● The machine is able to decide where each block should go
This technology is particularly useful amidst the labor shortage. With fewer workers in the construction industry, it’s no surprise that there aren’t enough people to lay bricks to meet the housing demand. Bricklaying automation is important for increased productivity and efficiency.
Bricklaying is a repetitive and sometimes tedious task that can take a lot of time and energy from workers. Automating this kind of task is instrumental in giving workers more fitting and specific jobs.
Rebar Tying
Rebar tying machines look similar to any handheld power tool. This kind of technology can make the finicky process of bundling rebar more manageable and efficient.
This machine is made up of the following:
● A body
● A battery box
● Charger
● Wire reel
The build is pretty basic, but it is doesn’t need to complex to be efficient. The technology saves time and keeps workers safer. Automated rebar-tying tools are lightweight, easy to transport, and easy to use.
Along with being efficient, the tying tool is useful in saving time. Saved time is especially important when grappling with the labor shortage. Rebar tying can take a lot of time and be a somewhat dangerous job. The repetitive task of tying bundles can be tiresome and a waste of time for your workers’ precious time.
Hole Drilling
Drilling holes into materials like steel and aluminum can be difficult and can be repetitive, demanding work. By using an automatic hole drilling machine, you are avoiding the dangers drilling can pose to workers. Some of the hazards being avoided include:
● Noise exposure
● Dust exposure
● Slips/falls
● Electric misuse
Drilling holes with an automated machine is safer and often more effective. Preventing workers from unnecessary exposure to various risks is essential to keeping your business running. If workers fall ill or get injured due to specific jobs, you lose time, money, and manpower. Automation of drilling helps keep your company moving smoothly and efficiently.
Making Difficult Jobs Easier
Automating tough tasks on the construction site can be very beneficial for you and your team. When you automate the tedious tasks that many construction jobs entail, you are working to eliminate worker fatigue and injury. In addition, workers are then open to work on things that require more attention and brainpower.
Bricklaying, rebar tying, and hole drilling are just some of the difficult jobs that can be automated on the construction site. If you are considering automating some of your worksite tasks, it is important to consider the benefits it can hold for your team. Lessening the need for workers to complete the more repetitive and dangerous jobs will free them up for all the other important jobs you have for them on construction sites as well as keep them safer and healthier to continue giving you their best work every day.