Link-Belt Cranes

Lexington, KY 40583-3600

Company Information
Years in business: Since: 1986
Number of employees: 501-1000
In 1986, the Link-Belt Construction Equipment Company was formed as a joint venture between FMC Corporation and Sumitomo Heavy Industries, formalizing a relationship dating back to 1962. A 1998 reorganization to focus on cranes resulted in spinning off the joint venture's excavator product line. The LBX Company, a stand-alone, joint-venture company was formed between Sumitomo Construction Machinery Co. and Case Corp. to market and sell Link-Belt excavators.
2651 Palumbo Dr.
PO Box 13600
Lexington, KY 40583-3600
Phone:(859) 263-5200
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More From Link-Belt Cranes
2651 Palumbo Dr.
PO Box 13600
Lexington, KY 40583-3600
Phone:(859) 263-5200
Fill out the form below to request more information about Link-Belt Cranes