Looking for a flexible photovoltaic systems design software that can address all kinds of needs? Do you want it to be complete, easy to use and professional?Discover Solarius PV, the software for photovoltaic systems design that has already been used for thousands of different PV installations all over the world.
Solarius PV is the professional software for technical design and economic analysis for any type of photovoltaic system connected to national electricity grids (grid-connected).
Sizing, financial analysis and single-line diagrams in a single solution, which you can use in every situation and for all kinds of needs:
For PV systems installed on new or existing buildings or even for large systems (photovoltaic farms)In every location (geolocation with reference climate data)In any boundary condition (near and far obstacles)All types of Panels and Inverters (extensive library with thousands of different models)
3D modeling of parametric PV system objects, even starting from DXF or DWG CAD drawings or BIM models
Solar irradiance data acquired directly from Meteonorm™ or PVGIS™ climatic databases
Calculation of photovoltaic shading directly from a photo
Activate, size and configure the storage system by defining the battery type and energy metering systems
Wiring diagrams of the photovoltaic system (switch panels, cables, protection devices) generated automatically
Financial analysis tools (business plan) of the photovoltaic system
Spec & Compare.
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